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Step into the harmonious embrace of Ostara, the Spring Equinox, with a unique and immersive Gong Bath experience.

  • Date: 20/03/2024 07:30 PM - 20/03/2024 08:30 PM
  • Location Eden Blue, Unit 19, 1 Green Street, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 1QN (Map)
  • More Info: Eden Blue is situated on a small industrial estate. Come up the pathway past the gym and tattooists into the carpark and Eden Blue is in the right hand corner.

Price: £14


Step into the harmonious embrace of Ostara, the Spring Equinox, with a unique and immersive Gong Bath experience.

As the earth awakens, join us in a sacred space where the resonant vibrations of gongs harmonise with the energies of the season. This transformative journey invites you to release the old, usher in the blossoming season, and cultivate a profound balance of mind, body, and spirit. Immerse yourself in the therapeutic sounds as they resonate through every cell, fostering a holistic sense of renewal. Let the symphony of gongs guide you on a meditative path, aligning with the equilibrium of light and dark.

Discover the transformative power of sound and embrace the serenity that arises when mind, body, and spirit are in perfect balance. Welcome Ostara with intention, self-discovery, and a harmonious gong bath celebration

If you find the Eventbrite fees prohibitive, please contact benjamin to arrange alternative payment at

Yoga mats and blankets are provided but you may which to bring your own plus a pillow for extra comfort.

Please be advised: Sound Meditations may not be suitable for individuals with pacemakers, metal implants, epilepsy/sound-induced epilepsy or those in the first trimester of pregnancy. If you have concerns or questions, consult with Benjamin for guidance in making an informed decision.